Totems: Déjà-Vu
Her eyes showed her bewilderment. “You said my guides showed themselves to you?” The tone of Charlotte’s words reflected the wonder she was feeling.
“Yes, and when they did,” he pulled up on a cord that held a purse-like sack, resting on his back. Inside was a greyish-green coloured statue of some sort. “When they did, this is what I saw.” He passed it into her hands. “It is a totem pole. These are the guides that are with you now.” She looked at it carefully, turning it slowly to see all the details. “Here, on the bottom is an eagle,” she said, looking at him for confirmation. “Above that a dove. And what’s this on top of the dove?” “That is something I saw, that you did not. It is a wolf.” She forced herself to hold his gaze as he looked hard into her eyes. “I have told you some of what the wolf represents, but she also has a connection to the moon and her energy. As you do.” He was watching her reactions. “Above that, is a puma. She represents silent power and grace and she would be your companion on a journey to other worlds.” She looked back up at him in awe. He had nailed it! “You made this?” she asked. “Yes. We call this soap rock.” Holding her totem firmly in one hand, she stood and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Keen Wolf. Nyah-winh. It is beautiful and it represents,” her voice cracked, she tried again. “It represents a lot, all of the time it must have taken you, and all of the thought and care that went into it . . . Thank you.” She kissed his cheek. |